Call Govenor Newsom Now and Ask Him to Veto SB 323!
Make our voices heard in Sacramento – ONE. MORE. TIME.
CAI-CLAC News & Events
September 24, 2019
We have three weeks to stop SB 323. Let’s come together and make our voices heard in Sacramento – ONE. MORE. TIME. Governor Newsom will decide on SB 323 by October 13th. He needs to hear from everyone that opposes this bill. We’re asking ALL our members to call the Governor’s office at (916) 445-4341 and ask him to VETO this bill.
Please place the call and help him understand how SB 323 negatively impacts you and ALL Community Associations in California. We’ve provided a sample script below if needed.
For more information, you can also view our updated Hot Bills Page for the latest amendments. If you have any questions, you can contact us at or our legislative advocate, Louie Brown at 916-448-3826 or Sincerely, Nathan McGuire, Esq. CAI-CLAC Chair
Suggested Call Script
Hi. My name is _____ and I would like to express my strong opposition to SB 323 (Wieckowski). This bill imposes a \"one size fits all\" approach for more than 55,000 HOAs in California. Each individual association should have the flexibility to do what it deems in the best interests of its particular community. My association holds elections on a regular basis and they are fair and transparent – just like the majority in California. SB 323 will cost each association in California more than $5,500 to update election rules and bylaws – not to mention hiring a new inspector of elections. In a time when California is concerned about affordable housing, we cannot afford SB 323. Please VETO SB 323.  
If possible, expand on how it will impact the homeowners living within the associations you serve. Thank you!